Multiform Validator

multiform-validator - Multi Library for Form Field Validation

Introducing multiform-validator, a powerful Multi Library developed by Gabriel Logan. This versatile library is designed to validate numerous form fields, including email addresses, phone numbers, passwords, CPF (Brazilian individual taxpayer registry numbers), credit card numbers, and more.

With multiform-validator, you can ensure that the data submitted through your forms is accurate and secure. Whether you're building a registration form, checkout process, or any data input system, this library has got you covered.

The multiform-validator library comes with an extensive set of pre-built validation rules and customizable options. You can easily integrate it into your web applications and enjoy the benefits of client-side validation, reducing the number of invalid form submissions and enhancing the overall user experience.

You can also use the multiform-validator to do validations in your backend, it works for any type of form validation or functions that use javascript, python, so feel free to use it

What sets multiform-validator apart is its flexibility and ease of use. You can effortlessly apply validation rules to different form fields by simply adding a few lines of JavaScript code. Additionally, the library provides informative error messages, guiding users on how to correct their inputs, thereby reducing frustration and form abandonment rates.

Gabriel Logan takes pride in developing the multiform-validator library with a focus on performance, efficiency, and reliability. The library is optimized for various browsers, ensuring seamless compatibility for your diverse audience.

So, if you're seeking a comprehensive solution for form field validation, look no further than multiform-validator. Embrace the power of this library, and rest assured that your data collection process will be streamlined, accurate, and secure.