How to use the isValidImage function

The isValidImage function is used to check whether an image file is valid or not. It accepts a Buffer as an argument.

Types that are validated

You can also pass an options object as a second argument to exclude a specific type.

import { isValidImage } from 'multiform-validator';
import ImageBuffer from 'image-buffer';

const buffer: Buffer = ImageBuffer;
const isValid = isValidImage(buffer);

console.log(isValid);  // true if the image is valid, false otherwise

Passing options to the isValidImage

import { isValidImage } from 'multiform-validator';
import ImageBuffer from 'image-buffer';

const buffer: Buffer = ImageBuffer;
const isValid = isValidImage(buffer, { exclude: ['gif'] });

console.log(isValid);  // true if the image is valid, false otherwise

Example Usage with Nestjs and Multer

In this example it only allocates 4 bytes for performance reasons, but you can pass the entire file.

const filePath = resolve(process.cwd(), 'public', 'assets', 'images');

const fileGetted = resolve(filePath, filename);

const buffer = Buffer.alloc(4);

const fd = fs.openSync(fileGetted, 'r');
fs.readSync(fd, buffer, 0, 4, 0);

const isValidImageResult = isValidImage(buffer);

if (!isValidImageResult) {
    throw new BadRequestException('Invalid image');

First, import the isValidImage function from 'multiform-validator'. Then, define the path to the image you want to check. Call the isValidImage function with the image path as an argument. The function will return true if the image is valid and false if it is not.