
Function Documentation

This function is a text area validation utility that checks the validity of a given textarea string based on certain criteria.

Function Signature

* @param {string} textarea - The input textarea string to be validated.
* @param {boolean} [isRequired=false] - A boolean flag to determine if the textarea is required (default: false).
* @param {number} [maxLength=50] - The maximum allowed length for the textarea (default: 50).
* @param {string[]} [errorMsg=defaultErrorMsg] - An array of custom error messages for different validation conditions (default: predefined messages).
* @default isRequired boolean: default: false
* @default maxLength number: default: 50
* @example validateTextarea();
* @example validateTextarea();
* @example validateTextarea();
* @description This function returns an object with two properties: 'isValid' (boolean) and 'errorMsg' (string).
* The 'isValid' property indicates if the textarea is valid based on the given criteria, and 'errorMsg' contains the corresponding error message, if any.


Return Value

The function returns an object with two properties:

Usage Examples

validateTextarea("Some text content"); // Example 1
// Returns: { isValid: true, errorMsg: null }

validateTextarea("", { isRequired: true }); // Example 2
// Returns: { isValid: false, errorMsg: 'Can not be empty' }

validateTextarea("Very long text...", { isRequired: false, maxLength: 10 }); // Example 3
// Returns: { isValid: false, errorMsg: 'This textarea is too big' }

Note: The examples provided demonstrate how to use the function with different parameters and show the expected return values.